Kashmir Institute of Management,​ Muzaffarabad

KIM 2018

Kashmir Institute of Management (KIM) was initially established in 1990 as AJK Staff Training Institute (STI). It functioned as such till February 2003, with the basic aim to train officers and other cadres of the civil/public service of AJK; to enhance their professional skills. It was upgraded and re-designated as Kashmir Institute of Public Administration (KIPA) in 2003, on the analogy of National Institutes of Public Administration (NIPAs) operating in all four provincial capitals of Pakistan.

KIPA, over the period, successfully conducted a good number of short professional courses and also the only “Advanced Course in Public Sector Management” commonly known as “NIPA Advanced Course” for incumbent B-19 officers of the State in collaboration with NIPA (now National Institute of Management NIM) Lahore. The earthquake of 08th October, 2005 reduced the KIPA building along with buildings of other government offices in the capital city into rubble in a spur of moment.

In August-September 2010, the then Chief Secretary, Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir , Mr. Shahzad Arbab with the approval of the Prime Minister, Azad Govt. of the State of J&K took a bold step to reorganize / revitalize KIPA and to develop it on the lines of National Institutes of Management in Pakistan. This was itself a task of greater magnitude because KIPA neither had the required resources, nor trained manpower besides wherewithal to function as an institution comparable with NIMs (By that time all NIPAs in Pakistan had been upgraded and re-designated as NIMs).

Keeping this state of affairs in mind, the then Chief Secretary, Govt. of AJK in a meeting with the then Rector National School of Public Policy (NSPP) on 14th June, 2010 proposed conduct of Mid-Career Management Course in AJK and for taking over and conversion of KIPA into KIM which the Rector agreed to. Subsequently, on 23rd August, 2010 the Chief Secretary, Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir formally requested NSPP to take over this institution, and on the request of Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir, Brig. Zubair Ahmed Chaudhri (Retd.), the then Directing Staff NIM Peshawar, was assigned the responsibility to carry out an evaluative study in order to meet the laid down objectives. On 12th October 2010, the complete evaluative study was presented to the Rector and the Chief Secretary, Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Like all other public sector training & educational institutions, KIM also suffered in the wake of global pandemic of Noval Corona Virus (COVID-19). Pursuant to the policy / SoPs issued by the Azad Government, long duration courses remained suspended from April 2020 but 03 courses of one-week duration and 03 one-day workshops were conducted strictly following preventive measures as per approved SoPs of the Government. This unique seat of learning was created with the sole objective of building the capacity of the civil/public service of the State at the nationally and internationally recognized standards in the fields of Leadership, Public Policy, Management, Governance, Public Finance, Public Administration, National Security, Effective Communication and Professional Research. Matchless commitment, unparalleled diligence and fortitude have been put in, by the entire Team KIM, during these eleven years to hit new horizons of efficient and cost-effective public service delivery in the field of training of the civil/public servants to achieve this objective by designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating training programs in the State. 
The brilliance, peculiarity, public appreciation and the glory which KIM has been able to earn during this short period of time is simply due to the grace of Allah Almighty besides relentless diligence and unmatched commitment shown by the KIM Management and the Faculty. It is, certainly, the result of self-sacrificing and missionary mode of working and pledge that has brought KIM to distinction amidst its many decades old and much resourceful sister organizations in the country.

KIM has so far conducted 39 long duration courses including 09 Mid-Career Management Courses (MCMCs), 06 Professional Development Courses (PDCs), 03 Senior Management Courses (SMCs), 05 Professional Planning and Management Courses (PP&MCs), 02 Office Management Courses (OMCs), 01 Specialized Domain Specific Training Course and 02 Orientation Training Programs for Probationer Officers of GoAJ&K and newly inducted Tehsil Qazis of AJ&K subordinate Judicial Service besides 04 short duration Domain Training Programs (DTPs) and 01 Training Program for Community Mobilizers (TPCMs). Moreover, 39 qualitative workshops and two conferences on the subjects of national significance with participation from local, national and international level have also been conducted with the highest possible quality.