Kashmir Institute of Management,​ Muzaffarabad

Allotted Research Topics to SMCs

  • Right to information & its implication for governance in AJ&K – an appraisal
  • Role of donor agencies in the rural and urban development in AJ&K
  • Public service delivery, Challenges in Civil Service- an appraisal
  • Development of Tourism through Public and Private Partnership in AJ&K
  • Project Management in AJ&K: The success and failure story in AJ&K
  • Allocation and Utilization of AJK Education Budget – an appraisal
  • Financial Management and Governance issues in AJ&K
  • Transparency in Public Sector Organization – Role of Public Accounts Committee
  • Need for constitutional reforms in AJ&K
  • Atomization in public sector organizations in AJ&K
  • Livestock potential and reduction of poverty in AJ&K – a critical review
  • Administrative Peculiarities of AJ&K – a critical review
  • Rise of extremism in India & its likely impact on Pakistan
  • Tourism and socio-economic uplift of AJ&K
  • The unemployment in AJ&K, its roots and remedies
  • Service delivery at district level/ issues and challenges
  • National Action Plan and challenges to National Security
  • Training of Civil Servants – a source of attaining excellence in service delivery
  • CPEC – its socio economic growth in Pakistan
  • Human capital and its role in Economic Growth in Pakistan
  • Local biddies institutions- the success and failure story in AJ&K
  • Kashmir issues: the role of UN and International Community & where Pakistan has failed?
  • Rural Tourism Development in AJ&K and It’s sustainably.
  • Origin of Suddan Tribe of Poonch AJK
  • An Assessment of missing educational facilities from Muzaffarabad government schools and its impact on delivery of quality education.
  • A Study of Parental Inclination towards public or private schools in Muzaffarabad.
  • An assessment of Sports facilities for youth in Muzaffarabad.
  • Impact of COVID-19 on primary education in AJ&K
  • The role of Public accounts committee in ensuring accountability in AJ&K
  • Covid-19 and employment challenges to youth in AJ&K
  • Water contamination and its impact on public health in Muzaffarabad.
  • An investigation into Non-verbal communication used at pre-school level in Muzaffarabad city.
  • Critical Appraisal of current recruitment practices in education sector of AJ&K
  • Existing State of Solid Waste Management in AJ&K : Sustainable way forward.
  • Impact of Mansehra ,Muzaffarabad, Mirpur (MMM) Express way on Tourism in AJ&K
  • A critical appraisal of the training programmes for headmasters in AJ&K.
  • A study into the effects of Deforestation in AJ&K
  • Empowerment of Women through Micro-crediting by Akhuwat
  • Environmental and Economic implications of the Hydropower Projects in AJK.
  • An exploratory study of endangered local languages of AJ&K.
  • Assessing the effect of direct taxation on reducing income disparity in Pakistan.
  • The role of technical education in the economic uplift of AJ&K youth.
  • The Impact of Audio Visual Aids on learning process in the schools of Muzaffarabad.
  • A study of changing crime rate in post-2005 earthquake in Muzaffarabad.
  • Intra Kashmir Trade: Prospects and Challenges
  • Video Games and elementary school learning in AJ&K
  • Decreasing trends of industrialization in AJ&K. 
  • Promotion of Green Tourism and Containment of Environmental Pollution in AJK
  • Problems in Agriculture Production and Marketing in AJK
  • Challenges within Development of Water Supply Schemes in AJ&K
  • A study of AJK government’s efforts to provide Legal protection to women

Allotted Research Topics to MCMCs

  • A Critical comparison of activities of SSP’s in Three Districts of AJK. What are their respective strengths and limitations and what are Practical Solutions to overcome them.
  • An Evaluation of Jails in AJK: What are main challenges faced and what is the future roadmap?
  • A Critical Analysis of Capacity Building and Skill enhancement Services in AJK: What are the problems faced by them and their Solutions.
  • Problems faced by Livestock Department in AJK? Issues at Operational Level and Recommendations
  • Prospects of Public Private Partnership in Promotion of Forests Industries in AJK? Possible Issues and Remedial Measures.
  • How to ensure Local participation in Disaster Management Activities (Relief, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction) in AJK? What are Challenges, Limitations and possible Measures in this regard?
  • How to improve Local Resource Generation in AJK? What is the extent of Resources? How can they be effectively tapped? Issues and Solutions.
  • How to ensure Transparency in Public Procurement in AJK? Critical Analysis of Challenges and Practical Solutions
  • Analyze the disconnect between the Prosecution and Investigative Branches of Police while pursuing any case:  Critically Examine the resources and suggest practical Solutions for carrying quick, reliable and accurate justice
  • Menace of Counterfeit drugs in AJK – Critical Analysis of supply and demand factors and challenges faced by Authorities and Solutions.
  • Critical Analysis of Hospital Waste Management Practices in Muzaffarabad: Its extent and the threat that it poses with Practical Remedial Measures.
  • An appraisal of performance of forest department: Identify Critical, Success, Factors (CSF), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to success stories from around the world: Bench marking the performance of AJK Forest Department against these KPIs, & CSFs.
  • Whether institution of Ombudsman in AJK is successful in redressing the grievances of public: Challenges and Remedies.
  • A critical appraisal of the level of local system of taxation: How reforms in the system would contribute in development at grass root level.
  • Cultural heritage of AJK: Utilization of internet to promote and disseminate the cultural peculiarities of AJK.
  • Future of Pakistan as a Transit Country: Challenges and Opportunities.
  • A Critical appraisal of Police Order 2002: Challenges, Short comings & Remedies
  • Developing strategies for optimum Hydral Power Generations  and its positive impacts on AJK.
  • Evaluation of Communication Infrastructure in AJ&K: Strategy for future development to promote Tourism, Commerce and Logistics.
  • Issues of sustainability and development of Tourism Industry in Azad Kashmir.
  • An Evaluation of system of local government and its linkages with good governance: Case Study of AJ&K.
  • Nuclear Doctrine of Pakistan: its implications on the Balance of Power in the South Asia.
  • Comprehensive appraisal of problems of infant mortality in AJ&K: Issues and Remedies.
  • Evaluation of Indian strategy of Construction of Dams on rivers of Jammu and Kashmir : Affects on agriculture, Hydral Power Generation and water recourses of AJ&K and Pakistan.
  • Exploring the potential of cottage industry and female entrepreneurship in AJ&K: Its contribution in Social, Economic and Cultural uplift of woman.
  • Assessment of the efficacy of institution of Civil Defense Department in AJ&K. Qualitative analysis of Technological and Human Resources.
  • Critical evaluation of role of NGO’s in AJ&K and contribution in employment and Community Development.
  • Appraisal of Financial and Accounting System of AJ&K in terms of Effectiveness, Transparency and Financial Accountability.
  • Development of Gawader Port: Its Geo Political Significance & contribution in Economic uplift of Baluchistan.
  • Potential of Dairy products and livestock in AJ&K: Constraints and Possible Solution.
  • Quality Control Mechanism in AJK: Case Study of Pharmaceutical and food products.
  • Conveyance issues of junior officials working in Muzaffarabad
  • Timber’s potential in the economy and growth of AJ&K
  • Creditability issue of public colleges
  • Effects of Automation/Computerization of power consumer billing system of AJK Electricity Department in revenue collection
  • Non- operation of local public transport after 8:00 P.M reason & effects/ impact
  • Finance Department’s role in bringing about financial disciplinein AJK.
  • Impact of line losses on loadsheading in AJK.
  • Importance of training in Islam
  • Monitoring System for Development Sector Projects in AJ&K
  • Importance of primary education for girl child in rural areas of AJK.
  • Fire (Chemistry of fire) safety, causes etc.
  • LOC as the permanent border- why & why not
  • Muzaffarabad Development Authority a burden or a bounty
  • Ecological impact of Bhasha Dam and its effects
  • Potential of private sector in providing employment in AJK
  • The concept of DCO office goes hand in hand with democracy.
  • Merit based appointments their importance and role in service delivery by civil servants
  • Importance of Social and Environmental impact assessment in development projects
  • Judicial activism in Pakistan
  • Muzaffarabad Airport and its role in the Development of AJK
  • MCMC and improvement in the performance of trained Civil Servants
  • Islamic Banking- Is it Possible In The Present Circumstances?
  • Does Parliamentary Democracy Suit Pakistan?
  • Why The Best Ummah Is Not The Best Ummah?
  • Ecological Impact Of Big Dams- Options for Pakistan
  • Emergence Of PTI In Pakistan’s Political Scene
  • Withdrawal of Foreign Forces From Afghanistan – Will It Usher In an Era of Peace?
  • Can Gwadar Port Usher In Economic Turnaround of Pakistan And Baluchistan?
  • Are Peace And Good Governance Possible In Baluchistan Sans Sardars And Sardari System?
  • Sino- Pak Relations- Its Impact On The Region
  • Are Human Rights And Policing compatible?
  • The Need For A True Accountability body
  • Police Order 2002- Its Positive And Negative Effects
  • Cable TV- Has It Resulted In Cultural Invasion? Way Forward
  • Utilizing Alternate Sources of Energy
  • India’s Growing Economic Power And Impact on Pakistan In Particular And Region In General
  • MFN Status To India- A Right decision or A Wrong One
  • Economic Development Remains A Myth With Persistent High Inflation
  • State of Madina Was An Embodiment Of Best Management Practices And Good Governance. Can It Be Replicated?
  • A Practicising Muslim And A Good Human Being Are Mutually Inclusive or Exclusive
  • Media Activism- Pros and cons- Way Forward
  • Justice System- How To Bring About Speedy, Efficient And Effective Justice
  • SHO And Patwari- How To Bring About A Change On Ground
  • Is Nuclear Option An “Option”?
  • Judicial Activism- Its Merits And Demerits
  • Various Gas Pipeline Projects- History, Practicability And Impact
  • Is Pakistan A Welfare State? Myths And Realities
  • Role Of Taliban In Future Afghanistan
  • Does Training Bring About A Change In The Attitude Of Civil Servants And Thereby Ensure Efficient Service Delivery?
  • Will Creation Of New Provinces Bring About Stability And Development?
  • Foreign Aid – A blessing or a curse: A critical analysis with respect to AJ&K.
  • Need for restructuring civil services in AJ&K.
  • Immigration of skilled manpower from Pakistan: An economic opportunity or a brain drain.
  • Foreign policy of Pakistan towards its neighboring countries India, China, Afghanistan and Iran – An Overview.
  • Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) – A bilateral dialogue or dilly dally tactics.
  • Environmental Policy of Pakistan: Successes and failures with respect to Millennium Development Goals.
  • We need an educated Pakistan and not just literate Pakistan: A case study on the educational policies of Pakistan since 1947.
  • Impact of globalization on developing economies – with special reference to Pakistan.
  • ECO: A critical analysis of successes and failures.
  • Pakistan International Airlines: A Story of success and deep nose dive.
  • Climate change – Effects on agriculture and food security.
  • AJ&K Past earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program – A case study on its Successes and Challenges.
  • Pakistan-USA Relations: A critical analysis.
  • Population explosion in Pakistan is one of the major causes of low social and HR development in the country.
  • Public spendings in AJK Development and Non-development Sectors – A comparative analysis.
  • Pakistan-Russia Relations. A new phase of bilateral understanding: A critical analysis in the historic perspective.
  • Ruthless accountability in AJ&K – A dream yet to come true.
  • Our National Narrative on Terrorism – Is National Action Plan (NAP) an ultimate solution?
  • Rapid deforestation in AJ&K causes, impacts and the remedies.
  • PIA: A leading Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) of Pakistan – A case study / An overview.
  • Critical Analysis of UN Resolutions on Kashmir Issue: Why did they fail in resolving it: Are they still relevant?
  • Deteriorating standard of education in AJ&K – A critical analysis: Reasons and remedies.
  • Domestic violence in Pakistan: A reality or an overblown narrative?
  • Pakistan Steel – A sad story of promising start and pathetic current situation: A case study of successes and failures.
  • Role of IT Sector in National Economy: A case study on mushrooming of IT Training Institutions in Pakistan, their performance and quality control.
  • Draughts, water scarcity and climatic migrations: A serious threat ahead and level of preparedness in Pakistan.
  • Ever escalating prices of medicine in Pakistan: Reasons and remedy.
  • UNO’s role in ensuring peace and security in the world.
  • Earthquake 2005, Floods 2010 and 2014 exposed our institutional weaknesses at national level – Are we prepared to manage any future disaster……….?
  • ICTs and Police Efficiency in AJK
  • Critical Appraisal of Social Welfare initiatives from prisoners
  • Community Policing and its challenges
  • Revenue Generation through ICTs in AJK
  • 2018 Tax Amnesty Schemes and Its impact on AJK Revenue
  • Critical Appraisal of recent IMF bailout package for Pakistan.
  • CPEC and potential benefits for AJK Economy
  • Innovate Farming in AJK
  • Post 2005 migration to urban centers and small scale farming in AJK
  • Climate Change and its impact on agriculture in Selected Districts of AJK
  • Social Media and challenges of governance
  • Tourism and the Question of Security in AJK: Policy initiatives
  • Post 2005 Urban Planning Challenges in Muzaffarabad.
  • Law Enforcement Challenges in Protecting Women and Children in AJK
  • Response of humanitarian organizations to Covid-19 pandemic in AJK
  • Earthquake Risk Reduction in Building and Infrastructure: AJK Govt initiatives.
  • Social Welfare initiatives of AJK for Industrial Labour
  • Challenges of promoting sport talent among school and college students in AJK
  • Coordination between local and provincial government.
  • Complaint Redressal and ICTs in AJK
  • Capacity building of women to participate in governance.
  • Critical Appraisal of small scale financing schemes in AJK
  • Educating Street Children in AJK
  • Interfaith dialogue in AJK: Possibilities and Consequences
  • Climate Change and urban infrastructural challenge in Pakistan.
  • Promoting female education through Ehsaas Programme in Pakistan.
  • Role of Forest Nurseries in improving the tree cover of AJ&K- Challenges and opportunities
  • T Education in Pakistan – Problems and Prospects
  • Fruit Development Programme and AJK Agriculture
  • Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Participatory Forest Management in District Muzaffarabad.
  • Taxation Challenges to the Government of AJK
  • Prevention of Disease through Primary Health Care Approach in AJK
  • The history of Economic Planning in AJK
  • Deforestation and Degradation of Forests in AJK: A Critical Appraisal
  • Causes of Forest fire in South of AJ&K – Shensa Range
  • GIS&RS-based forest management and planning in AJK
  • Landslide Hazard Prevention and Control in AJK
  • Nursery Raising in North AJK
  • Livelihood generation through Ten billion tree tsunami programme (TBTTP) in Covid-19 epidemic in AJK
  • Public Service Delivery through E-Governance in AJK
  • Water dispute between Pakistan and India: Potential Threat to Regional Peace
  • Operational Capacity of SDMA AJ&K – An Appraisal
  • Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Project (TBTTP) in AJ&K: Success or Failure – A Critical Analysis
  • Rural Women and Economic Activity in AJ&K
  • Livestock and Poverty Reduction Strategy: Lessons to be learnt from Poverty Reduction Programmes
  • Civil Services Reforms in AJK
  • A Critical Assessment of Government efforts to produce solar Energy in Pakistan.
  • Impact of Technology on Social Relations in Muzaffarabad.
  • Human Rights of Minorities in Pakistan: A Critical Analysis
  • Existing framework of Municipal/Solid Waste Management in AJ&K- A Critical Appraisal and Way Forward
  • A Critical Assessment of Climate Challenges to AJK
  • Alternative Resource Utilization for the Development of infrastructure and Global Warming in AJK
  • Microfinance as Poverty Alleviation Tools for Women in AJ&K
  • Islamization of Laws in AJ&K
  • Conflict Resolution and the role of Judiciary in Public sector organization matters in AJK
  • Water Pollution and Health hazards in Muzaffarabad
  • Food Safety Challenges to AJK
  • Beekeeping as an enterprise in AJK
  • An Appraisal of Immunization programmes in AJK