Kashmir Institute of Management,​ Muzaffarabad



This was my first visit of the Institute; I hope I will get more opportunities to visit this important institute. I was briefed by the Director General, KIM about the working of the Institute and its financial problems. All that he has done in a short span of time is really wonderful and without him, I am afraid, this institute would not have been doing this fair job for the future of AJK. I am really satisfied by the performance of the administration. May Allah give them strength to improve it day by day.

Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan

Leader of Opposition

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Legislative Assembly



مجھے آج کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ،مُظفرآباد میں نو منتخب و تقرر شُدہ اسسٹنٹ کمشنرز،اسسٹنٹ سپرٹینڈنٹس پولیس اور سیکشن آفیسرز کی حَلف برداری کی باوقار تقریب میں بطور مہمانِ خصوصی شرکت کی دعوت دی گئی۔ یہ تمام نوجوان افسران بذریعہ پبلک سروس کمیشن مُنتخِب ہو کرتعینات ہوئے ہیں۔ اُمید ہے کہ ان کی بدولت آزادکشمیر کے روزمرہ حکومتی معاملات میں بہتری پیدا ہوگی۔ جہاں تک کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ کا تعلق ہے یہ ادارہ آزادکشمیر میں سِول سرونٹس کی اعلیٰ درجہ کی پیشہ وارانہ تربیت کے حوالے سے قابلِ تِحسین خدمات سرانجام دے رہا ہے ۔  مجھے یقین ہے کہ یہ ادارہ مزید ترقی کرے گا۔ 

راجہ فاروق حیدر خان 


آزاد حکومت ریاست جموں و کشمیر 


کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ میں یہ میرا دوسرا دورہ ہے، پہلی دفعہ بحیثیت قائد حزب اختلاف اور اب  بطوروزیراعظم یہاں آنے کا اتفاق ہوا۔ مجھے امید ہے کہ یہ ادارہ آزاد کشمیر کی سِول سروس کو مضبوط اور فعال بنانے میں کُلیدی کردار ادا کرے گا اور پُورے ملک میں ایک امتیازی حیثیت اختیار کرے گا۔ یہاں کا ماحول، ٹریننگ کا طریقہ کار اور دیگر امور جو زیر تربیت افسران کو بتائے جارہے ہیں یقیناً ان کی  پیشہ وارانہ اِستعداد بڑھانے میں مفید ثابت ہونگے جس سے مخلوقِ خدا کیلئےخدمات کی بہم رسانی میں بہتری  ممکن ہوسکے گی۔ یہاں ایک بات کا تذکرہ کروں تو مناسب ہوگاکہ اس ادارہ کو قائم کرنے کا کریڈٹ سابق چیف سیکرٹری آزاد حکومت ریاست جموں و کشمیر ارباب شہزاد صاحب کو جاتا ہے ۔ یہاں کی مینجمنٹ اور فیکلٹی بہترین ہے اور ڈائریکٹر جنرل صاحب مبارک باد کے مستحق ہیں۔

راجہ محمد فاروق حیدر خان


آزاد حکومت ریاست جموں و کشمیر 


مُجھے کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ میں آنے پر بہت خُوشی ہوئی ہے۔  میں مُتعدد بار یہاں آچکا ہوں۔ آج اِس تربیتی  ادارے میں سینئر افسران کی ٹریننگ ورکشاپ میں بطور مہمانِ خصوصی شرکت کر کے بہت خُوشی ہوئی جسمیں پاکستان اور بیرون پاکستان سے افسران شریک ہیں ۔  کشمیرانسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ نے بہت کم وقت میں ایک اعلیٰ مقام حاصل کیا ہے جس کی جتنی بھی تعریف کی  جائے کم ہے ۔ میری خواہش ہے کہ کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ میں تمام مکاتبِ فِکر کے افراد کو تربیتی کورسز پر بُلایا جائے۔ سابقہ ڈائریکٹر جنرل صاحب کی کاکردگی بھی اچھی رھی لیکن موجودہ ڈائریکٹرجنرل بریگیڈئیر (ریٹائرڈ) سید اختر حسین شاہ صاحب بہترین انتظامی صلاحیتوں کے مالک ہیں ڈائریکٹر جنرل صاحب جس انداز میں کشمیر انسٹیٹیوٹ آف مینجمنٹ کو چلارہے ہیں مجھے یقین ہے کہ بہت جلد یہ ادارہ پاکستان بھر میں اس جیسے اداروں میں پہلے نمبر پر ہوگا۔ میری دعائیں ادارہ ہذا کے ساتھ ہیں۔ 

نیک تمنائوں کے ساتھ۔ 

چوہدری لطیف اکبر 

وزیر خزانہ و پلاننک ڈیپارٹمنٹ

آزاد کشمیر


Being at KIM is very heartening and refreshing. Nevertheless this nascent institution is still struggling to its feet. In parallel to the excellent physical environment and very good upkeep of the institute quality human resource is still deficit. DG is doing a superb job but he needs more support by way of placement of professionally competent and experienced staff immediately lest it might degenerate into yet another organization where unprofessional and irrelevant staff keen to stay in the capital could be dumped.

I wish the DG well and assure him of full support during my incumbency as a Chief Secretary. 

Khizar Hayat Gondal

Chief Secretary

Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir



This was my 1st visit of KIM director General, Secretary Services and other staff was present. Director General, KIM gave a detailed briefing about the working of the Institute. He during his briefing pointed out some issues concerning shortage of staff, financial constraints and accommodation in the Institution.

The class rooms, living rooms, library and computer lab also a joint and discussion hall were visited and found in very good condition. A committee comprising of Secretary Finance, secretary Services and Director General, KIM has been constitute to work out the detail of the requirements of the Institute which shall be placed in next meeting of BoG which is likely to be held in May. Institutions play an important role in Government & development of skills of the Administrative machinery serving the country or state.

I wish a great success to the faculty of the Institute and hope that it will go a long way in serving the purpose.

Alam Din Bullo

Chief Secretary

Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir



It is always a pleasure to be in KIM and see it growing. Kim is one of those institutions that one ca be proud of. I hope and pray that KIM develops into a national level training institute. I wish the Director General and faculty success.

Mohammad Shehzad Arbab

Chief Secretary

Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu & Kashmir



KIM is a wonderful achievement of AJK Government. Our visit to this Institute is basically a learning process. Its establishment and faculty are highly appreciated.


Director Cabinet Division, Islamabad.


It’s a matter of pleasure and satisfaction to take an opportunity of visiting KIM in relation to a function arranged by Kashmir Cultural Academy in collaboration with KIM. The apparent overall situation and condition of institution is speaking proof of full devotion, commitment and sincerity of the DG and Staff of the KIM.

Ch. Muhammad Ibrahim Zia,

Chief Justice AJ&K.


This institute with the name of “KIM” is beautiful and well organized. We are grateful to a friend who constructed this building for us. It is hoped that it will become a symbol of excellence and will be recognized as Think Tank for the AJ&K Civil Service.

Muzammil Shah Khattak,

Sessions Judge PHC.


It was really heartening to see an institution comparable to any international institution. The dynamism and commitment of the faculty and staff is an inspiration for all sister institutions. It was an honor for the faculty and participants of 23rd SMC to visit KIM and interact with the faculty. Thank you very much for your hospitality. 

Naila Zafar,



Excellent institute doing a commendable job. Taking away very fond memories.

Khalida Bashir,

NIM, Islamabad.


It was an honor to visit Kashmir Institute of Management and address the course participants. Senior Staff and the participants were kind and attentive. Lot of interest was shown on good governance and Kashmir issue. A number of ideas were put forward to resolve issues in the respective areas and I very much hope that they will be considered and acted upon in due course.

Thanks for everything.

Prof. Dr. Z.U. Khan,

45, Street House, Common North, London,

SW16 3HS, UK.


The Kashmir Institute of Management is an esteemed institution of learning skills headed by a high calibred personality like one the Director General Brig. Syed Akhtar Hussain Shah. It was an honour for me to attend the closing Ceremony of Second Professional Development Course. All the arrangements were excellently up to the mark. Some of the participants presented their learning experience on stage which shows their improved capacity in the field of Research. I hope this institution will bring more and more fruits of success for the officials of the State.

Ch. Muhammad Ibrahim Zia

Chief Justice of AJK.


It was a wonderful trip when I travelled from Gilgit Baltistan via Babusar. I stayed for a night as guest of Mr. Farhat Ali Mir, Additional Chief Secretary (Gen.) GoAJ&K, where I met with DG KIM, Brig. Syed Akhtar Hussain Shah Sahib. He and his Institute are asset of Kashmir, Gilgit – Baltistan and Pakistan. I will remember this trip throughout my life. Thanks. 

Walayat Noor

Chief Conservator,

Forest, Parks and Wildlife, GoGB,

Forest Complex Jutial, Gilgit.


A sense of Nostalgia paraded when I entered my old Alma-mater. I spent almost three years here at KIM, and believe in me, they were the days I cherished and enjoyed the most. I still and will consider myself part of this august institution.

I will be failing in my duties, if I don’t mention the excellent job the present DG Brig. Akhtar Hussain Shah Sahib (Retd.) is performing and of course Mr. Abrar – C.I is and will remain a beacon light for me in days to follow. 

Dr. Sultan Hanif Orakzai, PhD. P.S.P, N.D.C,

Former D.I.G Police / D.S / C.I KIM.


Highly impressive visit. KIM is a reflection of great leadership and trust among the people and their institute. Institutions develop with a leader of great confidence and dedication. Thanks.

Suriya Jamal,

Addl. DG Information Service Academy,

GoP, Islamabad.


It was an honor and privilege to be invited to visit this prestigious institute. KIM is playing a pivotal role in the field of Civil Service Training under the command of Brig. Akhtar Hussain Shah Sahib and his wonderful team.

Maj. General Malik Mohammad Masud,

Secretary, Health Dept.

Govt. of AJ&K, Muzaffarabad.


Always pleased to be at KIM to share my practitioner’s experiences with its participants and to tell them that for us Pakistan is first and foremost. Let us make Pakistan as it was envisaged by our Quaid. Kashmir is of utmost importance to our independence and integrity. 

Ambassador Shamshad Ahmed Khan,

Ex. Foreign Secretary of Pakistan.


Visited KIM after a gap of two years and found it as clean and efficiently managed as in the past. The hospitality is perfect. The under training officers are keen to learn and ask questions. Will look for opportunities to come here again.

Really proud to see such a well-kept and properly managed Institution, with such a dedicated and pleasant staff and management. Their hospitality will be remembered for time to come.  

Muhammad Asim Inam,

D&SJ KP Shariah Academy,



An establishment beyond any comparison of the similar Institute. I have visited almost all the top Management Institutes in Pakistan but have never seen progress of this nature. This is my third annual visit and here what I have observed about the morale of the trainees and commitment of the DG, CI and DS obliges me to say that if the rest of the management Institutes in the country follow KIM’s example then the dream of good governance will come true soon than later. I am proud to be associated with KIM. Wish them well and Godspeed.

Well done.

Prof. Dr. Z.U. Khan,

Ex. Advisor to President AJ&K,

Ex. Vice Chancellor University of AJ&K,

 H20/5T4, F8/3, Islamabad.


An honour to be here in Kashmir and in particular at KIM Muzaffarabad. Development of Agriculture and Livestock/Fisheries is my dream. Ever I imagine, we can think of conducive environment for agriculture, in Kashmir, all is available. Only concentration is needed for implementation of any policy in export orientated agriculture, livestock and aquaculture production.

Any practical help from myself, if required, “I am ready to provide and help”. KIM can do it. I am honoured again, being here. Thank you very much for the fabulous hospitality always extended to me.

Mumtaz Khan Manais

Progressive Agriculture/Livestock Farmer,

Tibba Sultan Pur, Vehari, Punjab.


It was my first visit to Kashmir Institute of Management. I really feel pride to see the standard of training, facilities and discipline which makes the institute at par with other training Institutes in the Federal and Provincial Governments. The role of the Institute in crucial in training and capacity building of the officers of AJK Government. I wish that the Institute flourishes further. The DG and the Management are doing excellent work. I, as Chief Secretary, assure all support required in this case.

Mathar Niaz Rana,

Chief Secretary,

Azad Govt. the State of Jammu & Kashmir,



This is my first visit to KIM with my class of Engineers of the Govt. of Punjab from different nation building departments. I find no words to appreciate the standards maintained by KIM. Brig. Syed Akhtar Hussain Shah Sahib (DG KIM) and his team members are wonderful performers who are running the institution efficiently and effectively. On my behalf and on behalf of the Principal & Faculty of the Government Engineering Academy Punjab (GEAP), I extend thanks to KIM for hosting this visit and for future cooperation. 

Prof. Syed Qasim Ali Shah,

 Vice Principal/Director of Studies,

Govt. Engineering Academy, Lahore.


This was an extraordinary experience. Out of this world, coming to a dreamland, a land of beauty beyond words, un-comparable. I was taken aback by the bewitching charm of Rawalakot and Muzaffarabad. The hospitality of KIM is unexpected and satisfying. I must pay my thanks to Brig. Syed Akhtar Hussain Sahib, Abrar Ahmed Sahib and Tariq Mahmood Butt Sahib for their support and love. May Allah bless them all and give them strength to take KIM to the next level.

Dr. Irfan Ahmed,

Principal, Institute of Tender Management,



An impressive place to interact on important issues pertaining to the country. The participants show eagerness to learn. The faculty is very cooperative. All in all a very hospitable and conducive environment for exchange of ideas.

Dr. Ather Maqsood Ahmed,

 Prof. (Economics),

  NUST, Islamabad.


I feel satisfied to visualize that KIM is capable enough to impart training to all public / civil servants of AJK under vibrant command of incumbent DG Brig (R) Akhtar Hussain Shah and his zealous team.

I suggest training to pubic representatives as well.

Azhar Saleem Babar,

 Acting Chief Justice,

  High Court AJK,



I always feel pleasure to visit KIM as a resource person. The dashing and dynamic command of Brig. Akhtar Hussain Shah (Retd.) is flourishing day by day. Every times, I come, feel a great change which is a proof of progress. May the administrator, supervisor and especially DG KIM live long to continue their selfless services to the great organization (Aameen).

Fazli Sattar Khan,




It was a wonderful experience being at KIM. I am particularly impressed by the discipline and decorum of the institution and on top of everything, hospitality of the administration is totally overwhelming. God bless Pakistan, God bless Kashmir.

Mirza Muhammad Umar,




My first step into this august institution stirred my mind about a sense of high discipline, hospitality and peace at the premises. The warm welcome to the batch of 58 officers from Civil Service of Baluchistan, their treatment and care subsequently supplemented my raw view. When a formal presentation was given to us, I found that this institution is doing stupendous job for not only enhancing the capabilities of service men in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan that also works as Think Tank for this state Government. The dedication of the Director General, who is holding seven master degrees from illustrious institutions. The Chief Instructor and other faculty have taken up the institution to the position second to none in the country. It was very heartening for me to see that officers, irrespective of their age; some in their late 50s, were busy in taking lessons in IT in the IT Lab at 2100 hours in the night. The degree of satisfaction of these trainees could be judged from the fact that they have donated photocopiers, stationery and furniture to the institution at the culmination of their training.

I see that in future the institution will be instrumental in changing the posture of the administration setup in AJ&K which was otherwise lagging behind till recent past. My prayers and best wishes are for the faculty to be successful in their whole endeavors and planning for future of Kashmir.

Muhammad Taj Hammid,

 Chief Instructor,

  Provincial Services Academy,



It is a matter of great honour & prestige to visit KIM, AJK as “Resource Person/ Speaker” today on 28th February 2020. It was indeed an enriching experience. The hospitality extended was overwhelming & invaluable. My special gratitude to DG sb, Chief Instructor, Directing Staff and others for priceless support & guidance. My prayers for all present and future participants.

I wish & pray that KIM flourishes in leaps and bounds.

Muhammad Zubair Khan,

Faculty Member,

Pakistan Academy for Rural Development,



Visiting AJK has always been nostalgic experience to me. I am enamored by the people and envious of this place. Had earthquake not forced us to change our developmental priorities, Institute such as KIM was always on my mind. I am mighty pleased that it has come up so well. I wish it well for the future. I am confident it will flourish if this dedication continues on the part of DG & his team as well as the support of AJK Government. I also wish to thank KIM management for their warmth, care & hospitality. Best wishes. 

Muhammad Kashif Murtaza,

Former Chief Secretary,

Azad Jammu & Kashmir.


The participants of 60th Regular Shariah Course visited KIM today. I am very thankful to the Director General KIM and his administration for the hospitality; comprehensive briefing and fruitful question and answers session.  


Shariah Academy,



I on the behalf of 119th Middle Management Course (MMC) of Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), am highly thankful for having been offered an opportunity to visit KIM. I must say KIM is an asset for the State of Kashmir.  I wish them best of luck for future.

Hassan Rashid,


WAPDA Staff College,



Brig. (R) Akhtar’s briefing to us provided us with a good insight in the development of this great institution as well as the culture and history of Azad Kashmir. I take a lot of pride in his achievements although not much is due to me. He was my student in 1973 in PMA.     

General Muhammd Yusaf Khan (Retd.),

Former Vice Chief of Army Staff,

Pakistan Army.


It was undoubtedly a unique experience visiting this institute, and very interesting too. I was rather surprised by the level of professionalism and dedication of the staff that has kept the institute in such an immaculate condition. Having visited other training institutes across Pakistan, I can safely say that KIM has so far been found best in terms of facilities it offers and the standard of its faculty. I am sure that this Institute will play its role in imparting the training of civil servants from across the departments and instill the right values that are critical in serving the public and state.

I wish the D.G and his team all the best in their future endeavors to make this Institute further grow and develop.

Shahzad Khan Bangash,

Chief Secretary,

Azad Jammu & Kashmir,



It is a matter of dignity and honour to pay homage & regard to appreciate this esteemed organization. We have learnt a lot which will be replicated in our Academy. Faculty is wonderful particularly Mr Abrar Ahmed & Mr. Tariq Butt Sb. I do appreciate the excellent leadership of worthy DG Sb. Citizen centric approach & Think Tank is the wonderful components.  I pray for the officers and for the Institution and also love to invite this excellent team to PLGA Lalamusa to learn from there.

Najeeb Aslam,

Director PLGA ,


Pleasure to visit an oasis within the state.  KIM strived as a seat of thinking excellences. Thank you for helping me to contribute to the great institution.

Masood Akhtar,

Air Marshal,

PAF Base, Peshawar.


It’s an honour to visit KIM again. KIM is a small but well maintained nursery for grooming future leaders. Best wishes

Dr. Tajik Sohail Habib



It was really an amazing experience. We learnt a lot from this study tour. It has helped us a lot to learn about administrative setup of Azad Government AJK.

Ms. Maryum

Assistant Director,


Punjab Local Government Academy Lalamusa. A memorable visit. For excellence hospitality, majestic elite institution. We will cherish these memories, excellent visit. Thanks indeed Brig Akhtar Shah DG KIM.

Brig Arshad Wahla (R)


It was so exuberating & exciting to visit an excellent organization, KIM. It is doing wonderful mission to train backbone of any governance system i.e Bureaucracy of AJ&K Government. The hospitality and kindness extended by DG and his staff was so good and impressive.  Allah may give wisdom and strength to all establishment of KIM to maintain its status & value.

Brigadier Malik Amjad Pervaiz Awan (R)


This was a great honour for me to be a guest speaker at KIM. This institute is a pride of the government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir and helping a lot to prepare future bureaucrats of the Azad Government of Jammu and Kashmir. I hope today’s visit will help the participants to know latest facts about  agriculture in Azad jammu and Kashmir.

Dr. Muhammad Bashir Butt,

Secretary Agriculture AJK


Extremely delighted to interact with faculty members and participants of KIM. The institution under the able leadership of Brig Akhtar (R) is absolutely transformed into a vibrant, highly enterprising and efficiently managed facilities. Pleasantly amazed to see the important role being played by KIM towards grooming our bureaucrat.   I am sure the institution will continue to contribute and facilitate AJK Govt towards better management and efficient legislation through their meaningful research and analysis.

Director General KIM Brig. Akhtar (R) and all staff members can be rightly proud of their tremendous achievements. I wish KIM GOD SPEED.

Maj General, Wajid Aziz,

GOC, 12 Div.


KIM is the premier training institute for the entire AJK and I am very pleased to see the high standards that it has achieved under the present management. I was particularly impressed with an immaculate facility, conduct of the staff and the care with which every activity was handled. Despite meagre resource, the management of KIM has attained appreciable standards because of its commitment and dedication. With KIM at the helms, the future of training of Government officials is in safe hands.

Please keep on doing the good job.

Shakeel Qadir Khan,

Chief Secretary,


I really feel happy to visit KIM and felt satisfied with the arrangement & system evolved to impart knowledge on major topics of contemporary era. I do feel that such efforts of KIM will have very positive ramification on Government officials by and large. I wish best of lich and ensure my all possible assistance and cooperation in future.

Raja Amer Iqbal,

Former president,



It was a matter of immense pleasure to attend graduation ceremony of secretaries union council. Professional trainings have always been abiding requirement of the time in order to make them consistent with the need of hour and for better public service delivery. I am quite satisfied to witness a well professional and skilled team and environment of the institution. The efforts of the institution towards making civil services of AJ&K at par with the civil services of Pakistan are commendable. I also requested to conduct a briefing for parliamentarian/ ministers also at this level.

Khawaja Farooq Ahmed,

Minister for Local Government & Rural Development,

Azad Kashmir.


It was matter of both honour and pleasure to visit KIM and enjoyed interaction with DG, CI, faculty & participants of the 8th MCMC. I was impressed at the quality of question during interactive session. Neat and well maintained premises was an other pleasant surprise. Keep it up my friend my course mate Brig Akhtar. Will always remember this visit. Good Luck.

Lt Gen, Naeem Khalid Lodhi, (R),


As always I have once again enjoyed thoroughly the hospitality of KIM which gives me immense amount of pleasure. The very high standard of quality of training facility & dedication of DG, CI and faculty of KIM has given me great satisfaction. May Allah keep KIM & its people always blessed prospering. Ameen

Dr. Khalid Mehmood Lodhi,

Chief Commissioner, RTO,



My first visit to KIM. Indeed deeply pleased to know the way this institute has evolved overtime. Such institutes are vital for grooming of government servants. Able and inspiring leadership of Brig. (Retd.) Akhtar is making the difference by meaningfully improving its standard.

My prayers and best wishes to the Institute.

Maj. Gen. Syed Imdad Hussain,

Strategic Planning Division


This was my first formal visit to KIM. I was pleasantly surprised first of all with the general standards of the premises. During the visit, I was able to see at first hand all the wonderful training courses offered to Public Servants. This work will no doubt create a better and more professional Civil Service. I wish to congratulate the Board of KIM and the robust leadership. This truly is one of the best institutes in the State of Azad Jammu Kashmir. I wish KIM all the best and will personally endeavor to offer my full support whenever required.

Mohammed Iqbal,

Special Assistant to PM for

Information Technology


Today upon the request of Inland Revenue Department, one day workshop pertaining to automation of Department was arranged. KIM administration, especially D.G sahib was kind enough to provide all facilities in this regard. The Staff not only managed the workshop efficiently but also showed willingness for the same workshops to be arranged in future. In this institute, I had successfully attended first SMC & today I recalled all those memories. I on behalf of this Department am extremely grateful to D.G. KIM, his officers & staff for providing excellent facilities in the organization of this workshop. Such institutes are rare in AJ&K.  I wish to have more workshops/ interactive session organized at KIM for may officers in future.

Sardar Zafar M. Khan,

Commissioner Inland Revenue,



In a very short visit of Kashmir Institute of Management, I have witnessed that the institute is doing wonders in the field of continuous capacity building of the public servants of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. And the most amazing fact is that the nascent institute, by dint of its hard work and commitment has been able to achieve in few years what so many other public service organizations could not achieve in several decades. I wish this worth visiting organization of the Govt. of AJ&K Godspeed under the inspiring and dynamic leadership of the Director General, Brig. Akhtar. 

Usman Akhter Chughtai

District & Sessions Judge


Kashmir Institute of Management (KIM) is a great asset for AJ&K. It has contributed to train bureaucracy of the State enabling them to serve well and build strong institutions. Management of KIM is highly appreciated for planning well highly qualitative courses and modules. It is highly recommended to move forward by creating a Think Tank at KIM which could assist policy makers in making futuristic and realistic policy interventions.

Abdul Majid Khan

 Minister Finance/ Revenue/ Cooperative AJ&K


I am highly impressed and feeling elated to visit KIM. I am confident that KIM is fully competent under the current leadership to fulfill training requirements of not only AJ&K but also of the adjoining provinces. I am much pleased to visit KIM.

Sh. Ashfaq Ahmed,



It is my privilege to lead a team of senior officers from the Local Government to this prestigious Institution.

It was a sheer pleasure to deliver a talk at KIM on competition regime in Pakistan. The questions asked were pertinent and reflected sharp acumen of the participants. I admire the way this institution has been kept. Am extremely grateful to Brig. Akhtar Sahib, Abrar Ahmed Sahib and Tariq Mahmood Butt Sahib for the courtesy extended. I wish them all and KIM the very best. A pleasure to be here.

Rahat Kaunain Hassan

Competition Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad


Visited KIM in connection with Simulation Exercise on Education and Enlightenment for 3rd Senior Management Course and participated as a Panelist. Had a detailed visit of the Institute as well. Delighted and impressed to see this smart, dignified, efficient and well-organized set up under the dynamic leadership supported by the efficient team. The Institute is endeavoring in capacity enhancement of participants hailing from different backgrounds. Well done and keep it up. The organization has grown very well over a period of time and has great potential to do ever better. 

Major General Muhammad Asghar



Visited KIM in connection with a lecture to familiarize participants of Senior Management Course on Telecom Sector of Pakistan. I am extremely happy and encouraged to see a vibrant and well-structured institution geared towards equipping senior leadership of Civil Service. The leadership of KIM under Brig. (Retd.) Akhtar is dynamic and fully alive to the current issues.

Very impressed with the participation by the course members which reflects their intellect and quality of faculty at the KIM.  Wish you all the best.

Allah Hafiz.

Maj. General Amir Azeem Bajwa (Retd.)

Chairman PTA


This was my first visit to your prestigious organization and I found it highly impressive. The management has done a wonderful job in maintaining such an organization which is considered as a backbone for our Civil Service. My all praises and good wishes are with you.

Faizan Mansoor

PNRA HQ, G-8, New Area, Islamabad


It was an honour to be back to my erstwhile organization of which I have fond memories. The hospitality, warmth and welcome was unmatched. KIM has really made progress from where I had left, which is so heartening. I pray for this organization in its future endeavors and wish it success.

Ahmed Nadeem Khan

National Institute of Management, Lahore


Training and personal development is an integral part for any organization with advancements in technology and new / refined knowledge resulting from research. It is imperative that the members of an organization keep themselves abreast with these advancements. KIM is our such as institute that aims at inculcating right kind of skills and attitude in field of management. It is an asset for AJ&K. It is optimally using its resources (which are limited) through multitasking of employees/ staff and using sound management practices.

KIM is accordingly a role model for other Public Sector Organizations to emulate its best practices. 

Dr. Muhammad Usman Chachar

Chief Secretary,

 Azad Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir


I have spent 03 days in KIM for final simulation presentations and Public Sector Management Workshop. Although I was already familiar with the quality operations being undertaken at KIM but this experience was really enriching as I was able to fathom the exuberance and high standard being followed at KIM. It is certainly acting as a center of excellence and an arch-pillar in shaping up the governance structure in AJK.

Present DG has really set standard bars very high. Quality of training being imported is superb.

It can very conveniently be called a premier organization of the State.

Best wishes.

Fayyaz Ahmad Abbasi

 ACS (General) Govt. AJ&K


Honor for me to serve as a guest speaker. 

Qasim Ali Shah

Prof. Freelancer


Feel honored for having an academic interaction on the topic of SDGs’ implementation with the participants of the Senior Management Course in a very informative and useful session. I wish all the best for this esteemed institute being commanded by Brig. Syed Akhtar Hussain Shah.

Sh. Tahir Qayum

 Additional IGP (Retd.)

President, Wasil Welfare Organization,



This was the most fruitful, insightful and constructive visit I could here. Meeting Brig. Akhtar Shah (my course mat) after 48 years was nothing but a pure joy & delight. The attendees of the institute were very Engaging and very knowledgeable.

They all deeply care about this country. My prayers and thoughts will always be with them. My warmest wishes to the Institute & its Administrator Brig. Akhtar. The words cannot describe how grateful I feel.

 Nawaz Wahla

Judge, Superior Court,



Indeed it was a pleasure staying at KIM from 28th November to 2nd December, 2022, with the 91st Preservice Course for PMS KP & Blochistan. During our stay at KIM, the arrangements of hostel and mess were excellent in every aspect and were par-excellence. We felt as if we living and enjoying all facilities at our own homes. Participants of the course were very satisfied and developed a life time association with KIM. We are specially thankful to worthy DG and Respected CI for their kindness and personal supervision of our stay at KIM.  The contribution of KIM as a Think Tank is very much acknowledged and was visible in our visit to different departments and offices at Muzaffarabad.

Our sincere prayers and good wishes are for the success and honor of the KIM leadership, the DG, CI and their entire team.  May Allah shower his countless blessings upon KIM and the entire Jammu and Kashmir.

Col (Retd.) Ijaz Ahmed

DS, Pakistan Provincial Services Academy
